“Photography is a language more universal than words.” – Minor White
An aunty holding her niece for the first time - Captured by Milestone Photography
No matter how hard we try words will never compare to photography when trying to explain the expression on someone’s face whilst they are giving birth
......Or when they hold their babe in their arms for the first time
.....Or find out their babes gender
.....Or hear the little babe let out its first cry.
.…Or the first latch, hearing the colostrum squirt into the back of the mouth.
…Or the first time their wrap their tiny little fingers around one of yours.
So many incredible moments.
Birth Photography is so significant because it’s not just capturing a moment, but it’s capturing an image that can speak for itself. I remember after our first, Jono (my partner) told me all of these things I had done during birth that I had absolutely no recollection of. He was trying to explain it to me and it was like he was speaking a foreign language.Birth photography not only allows you the opportunity to look back at your birth but also allows you to look back at your birth from another persons perspective. Maybe it is seeing dads face as babe's head enters this world, seeing that moment that you may not have seen before allows you feel like you’re in the moment with them.
Birth photography's 'worth' is not monetarily measurable, its value is unmeasurably wholesome through the memories. The ones you remember and can relive and the ones you don't and can live for the first time.